Inverse Methods for Deblurring Pressure-Sensitive Paint Images of Rotating Surfaces

Image blurring is a problem encountered when pressure-sensitive paint is applied to rotating surfaces such as rotorcraft blades. The issue is particularly problematic near the leading and trailing edges of the blade; these are the regions where the impact of blurring is the most significant, yet they also contain the most valuable pressure information. Recent work has developed image-deblurring techniques based on deconvolution of the image with a point-spread function based on the known lifetime decay of pressure-sensitive paint and the rotation speed of the blade. This deblurring technique is effective in recovering information at the blade edges when the amount of blurring is not too high. However, the existing deblurring algorithm assumes rectilinear motion and uniform distribution of luminophore lifetime (i.e., constant pressure distribution). The objective of this work is to relax the rectilinear assumption by allowing for rotational blur and to assess the impact of strong pressure gradients on the ...

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