Effects of salt loading and flow blockage on the WIPP shrouded probe
The shrouded probes at the WIPP site operate in a salt aerosol environment that can cause a buildup of salt deposits on exposed surfaces of the probes that, in turn, could produce changes in the sampling performance of the probes. At Station A, three probes had been operated for a period of approximately 2 1/2 years when they were inspected with a remote television camera. There were visible deposits of unknown thickness on the probes, so WIPP removed the probes for inspection and cleanup. Measurements were made on the probes and they showed the buildups to be approximately 2.5 mm thick on the most critical dimension of a shrouded probe, which is the inside diameter of the inner probe. For reference, the diameter of a clean probe is 30 mm. The sampling performance of this particular shrouded probe had been previously evaluated in a wind tunnel at Aerosol Technology Laboratory (ATL) of Texas A&M University for two free stream velocities (14 and 21 m/s) and three particle sizes (5, 10 and 15 {mu}m AED).