Status of the HIE-ISOLDE Linac

The HIE-ISOLDE project aims at increasing the energy of the radioactive beams (RIB) of REX-ISOLDE from the present 3 MeV/u up to 10 MeV/u for A/q up to 4.5. This will be accomplished by means of a new superconducting linac, based on independently phased quarter wave resonators using the Nb sputtering on copper technology, and working at 101.28 MHz. The focusing elements are superconducting solenoids providing 13.5 T2m field integral. These active elements are contained in a common vacuum cryostat. The presentation will cover the status of advancement of the HIE-ISOLDE linac technical systems. The performance of the superconducting elements will be presented, together with the assembly work of the cryomodule in clean room and the planned qualification tests in the horizontal test facility at CERN.