Comparison of the performance of open cycle air conditioners utilizing rotary desiccant dehumidifiers. [Ventilation, recirculation, and Dunkle cycles]
The results of an investigation of open cycle cooling systems using rotary desiccant dehumidifiers are presented. Three systems, the ventilation, recirculation, and Dunkle cycles have been modeled. The performance of these systems coupled with an air-based solar system has been determinded using TRNSYS simulations of system operation in four representative U.S. climates. The system COP, fraction of the total cooling load met by the desiccant system, and fraction of the thermal energy provided by solar energy are compared. An assessment of the effect of climate and system parameters on the relative performance of the three system configurations is made. It is shown that in order to meet residential loads of 7-11 kW with a COP on the order of unity, systems with high effectiveness must be employed. These systems were also found to perform well when operated solely with a solar thermal imput.