Architecture and implementation of a shop-floor programming system for STEP-compliant CNC

Abstract STEP-NC (formalized as ISO 14649 and ISO 10303 AP238) is a new interface (or language) standard for the CAD–CAM–CNC chain, currently under establishment by ISO TC184 SC1 and SC4. Upon completion, it will replace ISO 6983, so called M & G codes used for CNC since 1950s. As the new language is being established, a new CNC controller called STEP-CNC (STEP-compliant CNC), capable of carrying out various intelligent tasks using the new language as an input, receives worldwide attention. Shop-floor programming (SFP) system is a computer-assisted part programming system interfaced with STEP-CNC. Its primary function is to generate part program in ISO 14649 (or STEP AP238) to machine the part geometry given by STEP AP203 or AP224 file. In this paper, we first present an architecture for the SFP system, followed by implementation technology including: (1) STEP physical file interpretation, (2) feature recognition, (3) process planning, (4) part program generation, and (5) verification. The developed methodology was implemented in a prototype called PosSFP, and tested with Korea STEP-NC system.