The work of Leslie Valiant

On Saturday, May 30, one day before the start of the regular STOC 2009 program, a workshop was held in celebration of Leslie Valiant's 60th birthday. Talks were given by Jin-Yi Cai, Stephen Cook, Vitaly Feldman, Mark Jerrum, Michael Kearns, Mike Paterson, Michael Rabin, Rocco Servedio, Paul Valiant, Vijay Vazirani, and Avi Wigderson. The workshop was organized by Michael Kearns, Rocco Servedio, and Salil Vadhan, with support from the STOC local arrangements team and program committee. To accompany the workshop, here we briefly survey Valiant's many fundamental contributions to the theory of computing.

[1]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  A Scheme for Fast Parallel Communication , 1982, SIAM J. Comput..

[2]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Memorization and Association on a Realistic Neural Model , 2005, Neural Computation.

[3]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Evolvability , 2009, JACM.

[4]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Completeness classes in algebra , 1979, STOC.

[5]  Ian M. Mitchell,et al.  Parallel Computation , 1999, Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook.

[6]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Short Monotone Formulae for the Majority Function , 1984, J. Algorithms.

[7]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Negation can be exponentially powerful , 1979, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[8]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Fast Parallel Computation of Polynomials Using Few Processors , 1983, SIAM J. Comput..

[9]  Seinosuke Toda,et al.  PP is as Hard as the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy , 1991, SIAM J. Comput..

[10]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures from a Uniform Distribution , 1986, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[11]  A. E. Fincham,et al.  Parallel Computation , 1999, Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook.

[12]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  A bridging model for parallel computation , 1990, CACM.

[13]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  A theory of the learnable , 1984, CACM.

[14]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Graph-Theoretic Properties in computational Complexity , 1976, J. Comput. Syst. Sci..

[15]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Holographic Algorithms , 2008 .

[16]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  The Complexity of Enumeration and Reliability Problems , 1979, SIAM J. Comput..

[17]  Daniel A. Spielman,et al.  Linear-time encodable and decodable error-correcting codes , 1995, STOC '95.

[18]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Quantum Circuits That Can Be Simulated Classically in Polynomial Time , 2002, SIAM J. Comput..

[19]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  NP is as easy as detecting unique solutions , 1985, STOC '85.

[20]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  A Quantitative Theory of Neural Computation , 2006, Biological Cybernetics.

[21]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  The Complexity of Computing the Permanent , 1979, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[22]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Circuits of the mind , 1994 .

[23]  Leslie G. Valiant,et al.  Graph-Theoretic Arguments in Low-Level Complexity , 1977, MFCS.