Microbiological Quality of Poultry Feed and Ingredients

Abstract Samples of apparently normal feed and feed ingredients were collected from turkey, broiler chicken, and laying hen operations, and their moisture content, mold count, coliform count, and pH were determined. The moisture contents ranged from 10.59 to 17.40%, the mold counts ranged from 5 to 1,200,000/g, and the coliform counts ranged from 5 to 910,000/g with corn meal being the major source for each. The pH values of feed ranged from 5.42 to 7.30 with the ingredients ranging from 5.21 to 11.51. Feed that had been pelleted generally had a lower mold and coliform count and a higher moisture content while the pH was affected (.1 unit higher) only in turkey feed. Feed samples of suspect microbiological quality were surveyed and their median moisture content, mold count, and coliform count were higher and their pH lower than the corresponding median values for apparently normal feed. These data indicate there is a need for improved quality control in feed manufacture and storage.