The LabPETTM is a fully digital avalanche photodiode (APD) based PET scanner designed for state-of-the- art molecular and genomic imaging of small animals. Two versions of the scanner were evaluated, having 3.75 (LabPET4) and 7.5 cm axial FOV (LabPET8). The detectors are made of 2x2x10/12 mm3 LYSO and LGSO crystals assembled in phoswich pairs read out by an APD. After digital crystal identification, the average energy resolution is 24 plusmn 6% for LYSO and 25 plusmn 6% for LGSO. The scanner overall timing resolution is 6.6 ns for LYSO/LYSO and 10.7 ns for LGSO/LGSO coincidences after coarse timing alignment. The FBP reconstructed tangential/radial resolution is 1.3/1.4 mm FWHM (2.5/2.4 mm FWTM) at the FOV center and remains below 2.1 mm FWHM (3.6 mm FWTM) within the central 4-cm diameter FOV. MLEM reconstruction of a micro resolution phantom provided clear separation of the 1.35 mm spots and fair identification of 1 mm spots. With an energy window of 250-650 keV, the sensitivity is 1.1% for LabPET4 and 2.1% for LabPET8. The imaging capabilities of the scanner are demonstrated with in vivo images of rats and mice.