Fast-Response Heat-Flux Sensor for Measurement Commonality in Hypersonic Wind Tunnels

A fast-response heat-e ux sensor, based on a modie ed Schmidt ‐Boelter gauge principle of operation, has been developed for commonality of heat transfer measurement methodologies in Arnold Engineering Development Centerhypersonicwind tunnels.Thissensorretainsthedirect-readingand self-generating high-outputcapabilities ofthetraditional Schmidt ‐Boeltergauge,butanovelfabricationfeatureprovidesneare rst-orderexponential time response with time constants in the 10 ‐15-ms range. This transducer can be used in blowdown wind tunnels as well as quasi-steady-state measurement applications. Coupled with recent developments in data correction and time-response algorithms, the development of this direct-reading sensor has signie cantly improved the accuracy and versatility of heat-e ux measurements in hypersonic testing applications. Gauge design features, laboratory performance characterization, generalized algorithm development, and hypersonic wind-tunnel data comparisons are presented.