Using Butz and Moerdijk's topological groupoid representation of a topos with enough points, a ‘syntax‐semantics’ duality for geometric theories is constructed. The emphasis is on a logical presentation, starting with a description of the semantic topological groupoid of models and isomorphisms of a theory. It is then shown how to extract a theory from equivariant sheaves on a topological groupoid in such a way that the result is a contravariant adjunction between theories and groupoids, the restriction of which is a duality between theories with enough models and semantic groupoids. Technically a variant of the syntax‐semantics duality constructed in 1 for first‐order logic, the construction here works for arbitrary geometric theories and uses a slice construction on the side of groupoids—reflecting the use of ‘indexed’ models in the representation theorem—which in several respects simplifies the construction and the characterization of semantic groupoids.
Monique Hakim,et al.
Topos annelés et schémas relatifs
M. Makkai,et al.
First order categorical logic
A. Joyal,et al.
An extension of the Galois theory of Grothendieck
M. Makkai.
Stone duality for first order logic
Ieke Moerdijk.
The classifying topos of a continuous groupoid. I
S. Lane,et al.
Sheaves In Geometry And Logic
Michael Makkai.
Duality and Definability in First Order Logic
J. Adámek,et al.
Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories: Bibliography
Ieke Moerdijk,et al.
Representing topoi by topological groupoids
P. Johnstone.
Sketches of an Elephant
Henrik Forssell,et al.
First-order logical duality
Ann. Pure Appl. Log..