Bending and Shear Interaction Behavior of Upgraded Conventional Cold-Formed Steel Connections to Protect Against Moderate Blast Events

Abstract : The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of modifying conventional steel stud track wall systems to more effectively utilize the strength and ductility of the material without significantly increasing the cost of construction. The approach of this research is to evaluate the strength of various modifications to the standard connection detail for steel stud wall systems. All of the proposed modifications were selected to be a moderate change to traditional details so that any strength increase would be practically implemented. Results of lighter gauge samples show that tensile membrane action is fairly easily obtained and can be very useful in blast design. Heavier gauge stud wall systems still have untapped strength that would drastically raise the practicality of using steel stud wall systems for blast design. The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) limits can perhaps be re-evaluated based on the results of this project and the desired levels of protection.