Two-component signal transduction

Global perspective Cross regulation and the phosphate regulon Complex phosphate regulation by sequential switches in B subtilis Antibiotic biosynthesis in Streptomyces Genetic switches controlling sporulation in B subtilis The mechanism of the EnvZ-OmpR response to osmotic stress Two-component switches in the caulobacter cell cycle Nitrogen regulation in E coli Hexosephosphate uptake in E coli The mechanism of NtrC stimulation of transcription Mechanism of transcription activation and repression by Spo0A Control of Salmonella typhimurium virulence Regulation of Agrobacterium tumifaciens virulence Control of nitrogen fixation The nitrate reductase system of E coli Degradative enzyme synthesis in B subtilis The vancomycin resistance story Alginate production in Pseudomonas Regulation of anaerobiosis in E coli Regulation of gene transfer in E coli Communication modules in signal transducing genetic switches The structure of response regulator modules The mechanism of the phosphotransfer reaction Control of chemotaxis Myxococcus frizzy genes Conjugal DNA transfer in Bacteriodes