Conceptual Design of Damage Assessment Inventory in Response to Disaster Risk for Infrastructures Close to River

This research presented a conceptual design of damage assessment inventory for 2014년 2월 4일 접수 Received on February 4, 2014 / 2014년 3월 17일 수정 Revised on March 17, 2014 / 2014년 3월 21일 심사완료 Accepted on March 21, 2014 * 본 연구는 국토교통부 / 국토교통과학기술진흥원 건설기술연구사업(13건설기술연구S01)에 의해 수행되었음. 1 (주)유앤지아이티 U&GIT Co., Ltd. 2 (주)지오씨엔아이 공간정보기술연구소 Institute of Spatial Information Technology Research, GEO C&I Co., Ltd. 3 경북대학교 융·복합시스템공학부 School of Convergence & Fusion System Engineering, Kyunpook National University ※ Corresponding Author E-mail : 수변구조물 재해 위험에 대응하기 위한 피해 평가 인벤토리 개념 설계 / 조윤원· 최형욱· 최수영· 조명희 145 efficient response to natural disaster damage of infrastructure close to the river. It consists of classification and categorization of facilities for accomplishing the conceptual design of inventory for damage of infrastructure close to the river. However, there are arising problems of efficient management on disaster, such as poor management of data facilities and constructions which is managed by the different types of government departments. Therefore, this research presented conceptual models of damage assessment inventory on risks of damage infrastructure close to the river using the United states’HAZUS-MH to analyze damage facilities, type of asset classification, classification of domestic facilities and guidelines for computing the value of assets. Conceptual models of inventory this research presented is to be used on the data for damage response on protected inland damage assessment and to increase efficiency for evaluating detailed damage amount of private property by natural disaster and to establish a restoration plan.