Industrial Color Testing: Fundamentals and Techniques

Part I Principles: Introduction Colorants Colour Properties Historical and Bibliographical Notes Summary. Part 2 How Colours Depend on Spectra (Colorimetry): Introduction: Concerns and Significance of Colorimetry, Reflection and Transmission The CIE Standard Colorimetric System: Spectral Distribution and Colour Stimulus, The Trichromatic Principle, The CIE System Sensation-Based Systems: Lightness, Hue, Saturation, Physiologically Uniform Systems, The CIELAB System, Colour Order Systems Mathematical Statistics of Colorimetric Measurements: Normal Distribution in Three Dimensions, Standard Deviation Ellipsoid, Standard Deviations, Colorimetric Errors and significance, Acceptability Historical and Bibliographical Notes Summary List of Symbols Used in Formulas. Part 3 How Spectra Depend on the Scattering and Absorption of Light (Phenomenological Theory): Introduction: Phenomenological Theory and Its Significance, Many-Flux Theory, Surface Phenomena Four-Flux Theory: The Differential Equations and Their Integration, Transmittance and Transmission Factor, Reflectance and Reflection Factor, Limiting Cases of Reflection, Determination of the Coefficients Kubelka-Munk Theory: Significance and Formalism, Limiting Cases of Reflection, Determination of the Absorption and Scattering Coefficients Hiding Power: General, Achromatic Coatings, Scattering and Absorption Components Transparency: Description and Definition, Colour Strength, Achromatic Coatings Principle of Spectral Evaluation: Description and Significance, Application to Hiding Power, Application to Transparency and Colour Strength Historical and Bibliographical Notes Summary List of Symbols Used in Formulas. Part 4 How Light Scattering and Absorption Depend on the Content of Colouring Material (Beer's Law, Scattering Interaction): Introduction: Description and Significance of the Concentration Dependence, Pigment Particle Size, Dispersion of Pigments, Measures of Pigment Content Absorption and Content of Colouring Material: Dyes, Pigments Scattering and Pigment Content: Scattering Interaction, Experimental Test of an Empirical Formula Systematic Treatment of Pigment/Achromatic Paste Mixing: Standard Methods of Pigment/Paste Mixing, Importance of the Methods Kubelka-Munk Functions of Pigment/Paste Mixture: General Formula, Black Pigments Mixed with White Paste, White Pigments Mixed with Black Paste, Coloured Pigments in Mixture with White Paste: Tinting Strength: Significance and Definition, Coloristic Matching Criteria for Pigments, Colour Matching Studies, Lightness Matching, Colour Depth Matching Special Problems: Lightening Power, Colour and Shade Differences after Colour Reduction, Tinting Strength Development, Historical and Bibliographical Notes Summary List of Symbols Used in Formulas. Part 5 How Light Scattering and Absorption Depend on the Physics of the Pigment Particle (Corpuscular Theory): Introduction: Description and Significance of the Corpuscular