A Robust Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Text Document Copyright Protection based on Feature Coding

Information hiding has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years because digital contents are generated and share online through different communication channels. The verification of original authorship of digital contents is a crucial task. Digital watermarks are used to provide copyright protection and ownership verification solutions. However, digital text watermarking is a challenging job due to limited research and existing schemes like inter-word and paragraph spacing, line and word shift are used to hide information, which is not robust. If spaces are removed between words, lines, and paragraphs, the hidden information is destroyed. The special properties of Word document like variable, bookmarks, and range are appropriate for information hiding. The proposed scheme uses these special properties for watermarking without affecting the content. The watermark information is embedded in the special properties after encryption. Our proposed algorithm shows the results. After applying different attacks, the proposed scheme is robust 99.9%, excellent on imperceptibility 99.9%, and improve embedding capacity from Bytes to KiloBytes.

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