Type 316N 스테인리스강의 OPR1000 및 APR1400 가압기 밀림관 적용성에 대한 연구

The applicability of stainless steel type 316N to the PZR surge-lines of OPR1000 and APR1400 is investigated. So far, strainless steel type 347 has been used for the OPR1000 surge-lines. The degree of improvement in the leak-before-break(LBB) and component design margin is evaluated when stainless steel type 347 is substituted by type 316N. For the study, the tensile and J-R tests on type 316N and type 347 stainless steels were performed at 316℃ and the microstructure of both types was examined. Stainless steel type 316N shows the higher values on the stress-strain curves, J-R curves and stress intensity, S m , compared to those of type 347. Therefore, stainless steel type 316N ensures the higher LBB and component design margins. As a result, this study shows that stainless steel type 316N could substitute type 347 for the surge-lines of OPR1000 and APR1400.