Active Investigation of Functionality

Functionality is deened as the applicability of an object for the fullllment of a particular purpose. Many objects may be recognized as suitable implements for satisfying a particular role. This type of active investigation of an object can be deened as a functional recognition of an object. We have developed a formalism based on Discrete Event System Theory and on the paradigm of Active Perception. This formalism allows us to express an investigating task in the form of a nite automaton for controlling and observing the interactions in our task. Our current investigation focuses on manipulatory interactions, and thus far the functionality examined is that of piercing. From these experiments we have obtained preliminary results from the force, position and vision observers, which allowed us to investigate tools having the functionality of piercing. We envision that such a system could be extended to have at its disposal a score of investigative procedures and hence be able to classify and recognize an object based on its functional attributes.