NEXRAD Open Systems–Progress and Plans
The NEXRAD Product Improvement (NPI) Program is a continuing effort to replace the WSR-88D Radar Data Acquisition (RDA), Radar Product Generation (RPG), and Principal User Position (PUP) subsystems with open systems components (ORDA, ORPG, OPUP). To meet the need for orderly WSR-88D system evolution, the NEXRAD tri-agencies established the NPI Program as a long term program to plan, manage, and execute major improvements to the WSR-88D system. The NPI Program Management is lead by the NWS Office of Science and Technology (OS&T), with individual NPI projects enlisting the participation and support of all of the NEXRAD tri-agencies. The NPI Program continues to enjoy wide participation throughout the sponsoring agencies in the NWS, the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Saffle et al [1] includes a thorough description of the Government’s strategy and structure for each open systems project.