人的要所와 品質管理의 相關關係에 관한 硏究

Labours are the most valuable resource in the construction industry which is characterized by low-tech and labour intensive sector. The labours's attitude of mind and behavior, human factors, can affect the level of construction quality. From this point of view the successful construction quality management can be accomplished through a non-technical method using human factors. Diverse human factors including empowerment, leadership, communication, trust, involvement, cooperation, education, etiquette and reward must be managed properly by the quality manager to achieve successful quality management in the construction industry. But people-oriented human factors are hard to manage because people have their own thoughts and culture. For this reason, managers and labours replied to a questionnaires on the construction quality related with human factors. The results of a questionnaire are analysed. As a result. every human factor is ordered by the value in the categories; importance, performance, obstruction, promotion.