Multiordered mapping technique for target prioritization

This report deals with issues and concerns regarding target prioritization given a multi-target environment and a certain amount of information from a sensor suite. In the Hunter-Killer mode the commander is required to perform the critical task of determining the rank or priority of targets in a multi-target environment for handover to the gunner for negation. In the past prioritization was simply based on one criterion, namely the target class (i.e., tank, truck, jeep, etc.), where the tank would be designated as the highest priority. However, we believe that present and future battlefields will require higher order ranking schemes and criteria for ranking of the targets in a multi-target scenario. This report describes two concepts that can be utilized as a framework to perform ranking of targets. Both concepts were implemented and the performance of each with respect to a limited training set was evaluated. Initial performance results obtained with a multi-ordered mapping technique were adequate to warrant a more extensive study. The data to perform target proritization was considered to be available from a potential on-board sensor suite.