Optimized intermolecular potential functions for liquid hydrocarbons

Optimized intermolecular potential functions have been determined for hydrocarbons through Monte Carlo simulations of 15 liquids: methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, isobutane, n-pentane, isopentane, neopentane, cyclopentane, n-hexane, 1-butene, cis- and trans-2-butene, isobutene, and benzene. To achieve high accuracy, 12 unique group types were identified and their associated Lennard-Jones parameters were established. The average deviation from experiment for the computed densities and heats of vaporization is 2% and trends for isomeric series are reproduced. Conformation results were also obtained for five liquids and revealed no condensed-phase effects on the conformer populations. Structural analyses focus on trends as a function of chain length and branching of the monomers.