Innovative approach to economic evaluation of artificial lighting systems in the design or redesign stage
In an era of increased sensitivity to socio-ecological consequences of irrational energy consumption, concerns about efficient energy usage should be positioned high on a priority list. Energy consumption of existing lighting systems, as indicated by many researchers and headmost institutions in the energy field, represents nearly 20% of total world’s electricity consumption. Obviously, this is an enormous potential for implementation of measures to increase energy efficiency. However, if energy efficiency measures are not well thought, i.e. if not all relevant economic parameters in the life-cycle analysis are taken into consideration, cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency measures becomes questionable. In order to assist lighting systems designers when deciding which lighting technology to adopt (e.g. incandescent, fluorescent, LED) a software tool has been designed at the Faculty of engineering in Rijeka as part of a master thesis. The software tool harmoniously complements well known software tools for lighting systems planning and design and gives valuable economic information to lighting system designers.