Psychology of terrorism : key readings : classic and contemporary insights

Introduction. Part 1. What is Terrorism and How Can Psychology Explain It? Iviansky, Individual Terror: Concept and Typology. Reich, Understanding Terrorist Behavior: The Limits and Opportunities of Psychological Inquiry. Kruglanski, Fishman, The Psychology of Terrorism: "Syndrome" versus "Tool" Perspectives. Victoroff, The Mind of the Terrorist: A Review and Critique of Psychological Approaches. Part 2. Why Would One Want to Become a Terrorist? Terrorists' Personality and Motivation. Silke, Cheshire-Cat Logic: The Recurring Theme of Terrorist Abnormality in Psychological Research. Post, Sprinzak, Denny, The Terrorists in Their Own Words: Interviews with 35 Incarcerated Middle Eastern Terrorists. Moghadam, Palestinian Suicide Terrorism in the Second Intifada: Motivations and Organizational Aspects. Atran, Genesis of Suicide Terrorism. Pape, The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism. Pedahzur, Perliger, Weinberg, Altruism and Fatalism: The Characteristics of Palestinian Suicide Terrorists. Part 3. Why Would One Want to Become a Terrorist? Possible Economic or Political Origins of Terrorism. Krueger, Maleckova, Does Poverty Cause Terrorism? Li, Does Democracy Promote or Reduce Transnational Terrorist Incidents? Reinares, Who Are the Terrorists? Analyzing Changes in Sociological Profile among Members of ETA. Part 4. Why Would Terrorists Enjoy Wide Popular Support? Levin, Henry, Pratto, Sidanius, Social Dominance and Social Identity in Lebanon: Implications for Support of Violence Against the West. Sidanius, Henry, Pratto, Levin, Arab Attributions for the Attack on America: The Case of Lebanese Subelites. Pyszczynski, Abdollahi, Solomon, Greenberg, Cohen, Weise, Mortality Salience, Martyrdom, and Military Might: The Great Satan Versus the Axis of Evil. Part 5. How Does One Become a Terrorist? Social and Psychological Factors in Terrorism. della Porta, Recruitment Processes in Clandestine Political Organizations: Italian Left-Wing Terrorism. Sprinzak, The Psychopolitical Formation of Extreme Left Terrorism in a Democracy: The Case of the Weathermen. McCauley, Segal, Social Psychology of Terrorist Groups. Merari, Friedland, Social Psychological Aspects of Political Terrorism. Sageman, Understanding Terror Networks. Part 6. Is Terrorism Rational? A Logical Perspective. Crenshaw, The Logic of Terrorism: Terrorist Behavior as a Product of Strategic Choice. Sandler, Tschirhart, Cauley, A Theoretical Analysis of Transnational Terrorism. Part 7. Is Terrorism Evil? Wardlaw, Justifications and Means: The Moral Dimension of State-Sponsored Terrorism. Juergensmeyer, Islam's "Neglected Duty". Part 8. How Can Terrorism Be Overcome? Atran, Soft Power and the Psychology of Suicide Bombing. Hafez, Hatfield, Do Targeted Assassinations Work? A Multivariate Analysis of Israel's Controversial Tactic During Al-Aqsa Uprising. Kaplan, Mintz, Mishal, Samban, What Happened to Suicide Bombings in Israel? Insights from a Terror Stock Model.