Canine Neurology
This monograph, written as a doctorate thesis during the author’s term as resident on the neurosurgical service at Aarhus Municipal Hospital in Denmark, covers widely the subject of facial pain. I t gives an exceptionally good review of the literature on the anatomy and physiology of the nerves supplying the face. The author believes that the majority of painful conditions of the face are due to referred or projected pain. This explains his particular interest in referred facial pain from the temporomandibular joint. For this type of discomfort, he recommends the intra-articular injection of hydrocortisone which he found to give immediate relief in 64% of cases so treated. The clinical characteristics of trigeminal neuralgia and the various surgical methods of treating it are discussed. The author’s results in a series of 473 patients differ very little from those reported by American neurosurgeons. The tabular material is relatively simple, and detailed statistical analyses are not attempted. The monograph, although introducing no new concepts, is a well-written and concise account of the subject, well illustrated with case material from the clinic of Prof. Malmros. Consequently, this is an excellent reference book for the student who wishes to delve into the subject. The neurologist and neurosurgeon looking for a thorough review of the subject will find it in this book.