Elementary stability and bifurcation theory

Asymptotic solutions of evolution problems bifurcation and stability of steady solutions of evolution equations in one dimension imperfection theory and isolated solutions which perturb bifurcation stability of steady solutions of evolution equations in two dimensions and n dimensions appendices - bifurcation of steady solution in two dimensions and the stability of the bifurcating solutions appendix - methods of projection for general problems of bifurcation into steady solutions bifurcation of periodic solutions from steady ones (Hopf Bifurcation) in two dimensions bifurcation of periodic solutions in the general case subharmonic bifurcation of forced T-periodic solutions subharmonic bifurcation of forced T-periodic solutions into asymptotically quasi-periodic solutions appendix - secondary subharmonic and symptotically quasi-periodic bifurcation of periodic solutions (of Hopf's type) in the autonomous case stability and bifurcation in conservative systems.