Code-De - the German Operational Environment for Accessing and Processing Copernicus Sentinel Products

We present and analyze the methodology, architecture, and various functionalities of CODE-DE (Copernicus Data and Exploitation Platform - Deutschland, which is the German operational environment for accessing and processing Copernicus Sentinel products, a so-called Copernicus collaborative ground segment activity. Since 9 March 2017 the element for online data access to Sentinel-l and Sentinel-2 products is operational and tapped by over 650 registered users until 30 November 2017. During this period more than 47,000 products were downloaded and the global catalogue was continuously updated and includes a data volume of 800 TByte based on a rolling archive concept. Since 30 November 2017 also the element for big data processing is operational, where registered users automatically process and analyze data themselves specifically with the help of various methodologies to value-added products. Furthermore, optimizations are realized such as improved visualization of the catalogue of available Sentinel-2 products. They are presented with the catalogue client at full 10 meter resolution.