A quasi steady state approach to race car lap simulation in order to understand the effects of racing line and centre of gravity location

Using an established seven-degree-of-freedom (7DOF) model of an open wheel race car, a new quasi steady state lap simulation method is described. The method is based on optimal control techniques. It produces a GG speed diagram as an interim result, and is shown to have a low computational expenditure when compared with the current transient optimal control method. This paper shows a validation step, reports a case study using the new method, and compares the result with a transient optimal control method. The sensitivity of the optimal line for simulation studies is discussed in terms of a centre of gravity location change. Both simulation methods show improvements in lap time owing to a 6 per cent centre of gravity set-up change. The difference in optimal lines caused by a 6 per cent CG change rearward is shown to be so small that a driver is unlikely to find the information useful. In light of this observation, the computational effort required to generate a new optimal line for each set-up change may be misspent