The Training of Teachers and Trainers: Innovative Practices, Skills and Competencies in the use of eLearning

This article reports on the results of a study undertaken into innovative practices in the development and uses of eLearning for teachers and trainers, and the activities, competencies and roles used in such practices. 25 case studies were purposively selected across 7 countries and included both small scale and large scale projects, including some with a national focus. Results revealed that in nearly half of the projects blended learning was the strategy of choice, but that other approaches included virtual classrooms, tele-teaching and collaborative learning. A diversity of strategies towards the management of e-Learning projects were revealed, with some organisations struggling when moving from single authored to team delivered projects. In terms of instructional design, no definitive answers emerged as to what pedagogical approaches were being adopted, projects often demonstrating a common-sense approach. But it was clear that the growth of e-Learning has resulted in the development of new skills and competencies and novel ways of putting them to work in project teams. This includes ways of exploiting the new technology and how to manage the special problems arising from contact with learners who are at a distance. A number of key recommendations are made for practitioners and policy makers.