A computer network based control architecture for autonomous distributed multirobot systems

This paper presents the specification and implementation procedure using a microcomputer network based autonomous distributed control architecture for industrial multirobot systems. The procedure is based on the concept of data flow network controlled by communicating sequential processes to perform coordinated tasks. Robots and other computerized industrial devices such as conveyors and manufacturing machines are defined as object-oriented Petri nets. A modular and hierarchical approach is adopted to define a set of Petri net type diagrams which represent concurrent activities of control processes for such devices. Asynchronous and synchronous interactions are modelled by places and transitions, respectively, in global process interaction nets. The control software is implemented on a computer network using Inmos transputers with true parallel processing and message passing primitives efficiently handled in hardware. Petri net based models are directly and efficiently transformed to corresponding codes in occam, the high level parallel programming language defined for the transputer.