National stripper well survey, as of January 1, 1965
This survey is a continuation of a project that has been cooperatively undertaken each year by the Interstate Oil Compact Commission and the National Stripper Well Association. The data contained in it represent a compilation of information from various contributors in the oil-producing states of the United States. The stripper wells included in this survey were selected by 2 principal methods, depending upon the nature and kind of data available to each contributor. In some instances, the selection was necessarily made on a field or pool basis. The number of wells and production for each field or pool within a state determined whether each one, as a whole, was classified as a stripper or non-stripper well field or pool. In some states it was possible to readily classify stripper wells within oil fields or pools on the basis of individual well or lease production. A table gives the estimated secondary recovery production from stripper wells during 1964 and the percent of total stripper well production coming from secondary recovery projects for 16 states.