Exoplanetary atmosphere target selection in the era of comparative planetology

Large-scale transit surveys such as NGTS, TESS and PLATO promise to deliver a wealth of potential targets for follow-up transmission spectroscopy study. This will usher in an era of comparative planetology that will be limited not by a paucity of targets but by the scarcity of follow-up assets on the ground and in space. It will become crucial to ensure that the selection of targets is matched carefully against the availability and capability of follow-up telescopes. We propose a metric-based target selection approach that relies only on primary transit observables. The metric can be easily deployed within a distributed heterogeneous network of telescopes equipped to undertake either broadband photometry or spectroscopy. We show how the metric can be used either to optimise the observing strategy for a given telescope (e.g. choice of filter) or to enable the selection of the best telescope to optimise the overall sample size. The metric can also provide the basis for a selection function to help evaluate the statistical completeness of follow-up transmission spectroscopy datasets. Finally, we validate our metric by comparing its ranked set of targets against planets which have had their atmospheres successfully probed. We also compare the target list selected by our metric against some existing prioritised exoplanet lists.

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