A Staggered FEC System for Seamless Handoff in Wireless LANs: Implementation Experience and Experimental Study

We report the implementation experience and experimental evaluation of a staggered adaptive forward error correction (FEC) system for video multicast over wireless LANs. In the system, the parity packets generated by a cross-packet FEC code are transmitted at a time delay from the original video packets, i.e. staggercasting video stream and FEC stream in different multicast groups. The delay provides temporal diversity to improve the robustness of video multicast, especially to enable the clients to correct burst packet loss using FEC and to achieve seamless handoff. A wireless client dynamically joins the FEC multicast groups based upon its channel conditions and handoff events. We have implemented the system including the streaming server and client proxy. A novel software architecture is designed to integrate the FEC functionality in the clients without requirement for changing the existing video player software. We conduct extensive experiments to investigate the impact of FEC overhead and the delay between the video stream and FEC stream to the video quality under different interference levels and mobile handoff durations. The efficacy of staggered adaptive FEC system on improving video multicast quality is demonstrated in real system implementation.