Pavement Maintenance Management for Roads and Streets Using the PAVER system
Abstract : The PAVER and Micro PAVER Pavement Maintenance Management Systems are designed to optimize the use of funds allocated for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R). PAVER, a field-tested, validated mainframe computer system, and Micro PAVER a microcomputer version of the PAVER system, can be used to manage roads, streets, parking lots, and airfields pavements. This report combines information from several previous publications to provide a single, convenient reference for the field. In addition, enhancements to the systems since 1981 are described. PAVER and Micro PAVER use the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) condition survey and rating procedure developed at the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USACERL). This report outlines the procedures for dividing the pavement network into management units, performing the PCI condition survey and determining a PCI, determining M&R needs and priorities, and selecting the most cost-effective M&R alternative. Newly developed technologies, including pavement deterioration prediction techniques which are being incorporated into the PAVER and Micro PAVER Systems, are discussed as are new reporting capabilities, the preparation of annual and long- range work plans, and project development. (Author) (kr)