Transport systems, policy and planning: a geographical approach.
This book reviews the major spatial aspects of transport systems throughout the world, analyses in detail the transport problems arising in urban and rural areas, and evaluates the principal social, environmental and policy issues generated by contemporary transport systems. Part 1 outlines the basic geography of transport, and examines transport and spatial structures, especially transport's contributions to urban, industrial, and agricultural development. Part 2 considers transport systems at the national and international levels, and, for example, discusses the effects on transport of the recent political changes in the former USSR and Eastern Europe. Part 3 addresses various transport problems in urban and rural areas, using specific examples to illustrate contrasting difficulties and evaluate current urban transport planning methods. Part 4 explores some significant contemporary transport issues, and evaluates the environmental and social impacts of increasing personal mobility and infrastructure demands for motorised movement. The book provides a comprehensive survey of how transport planning and policy are formulated in different parts of the world, and emphasises the need for policies on transport sustainability.