TCS-Chord: An Improved Routing Algorithm to Chord Based on the Topology-aware Clustering in Self-organizing Mode

The study on semantic routing efficiency of DHTP2P networks is a key element to promote the development of P2P networks, it is critical for a P2P routing algorithm to be aware of the network physical topology, which leads to improvement of the routing efficiency. By analyzing the Hashing function's properties, some novel logical connections are presented among the destination node, the Chord semantic routing relay node sequence, and the ID of clustering neighbor nodes. This paper describes TCS-Chord (an improved routing algorithm to Chord based on the Topology-aware Clustering in Self-organizing mode) to improve the efficiency of Chord routing. Since the clustering nodes only have local views in the self-organizing mode, some rules are applied for a node to learn other nodes' physical topology-aware locations. The TCS-Chord's routing algorithm is described completely, and our experiments also indicate that TCS-Chord can improve the Chord semantic routing efficiently.