Painlevé analysis and its applications

NONLINEARITY AND INTEGRABILITY Soliton and Nonlinearity Some of the Important Approaches for Getting Information Regarding a Given nPDE BASIC IDEAS AND METHODS Painleve Analysis Painleve Property and ODEs Weak Painleve Property and ODEs CONFORMAL INVARIANCE Introduction KdV Revisited Boussinesq Equation Kowalievski's Exponent Integrals of Motion Nonintegrable Systems and Painleve Analysis Painleve Analysis in more than (1+1) Dimensions Negative Resonance and Painleve Expansion Painleve Analysis of Perturbed Equations Painleve Analysis and Monodromy Matrix DISCRETE AND SOME SPECIAL SYSTEMS Painleve Test and Discrete System Long Wave/Short Wave Equation Fermionic System and Painleve Analysis Algebraic Intehgrability and Painleve Analysis Painleve Analysis of Some Special Systems MISCELLANEOUS IDEAS IN RELATION TO PAINLEVE ANALYSIS Geometry and Painleve Analysis Generation of a Higher Dimensional System from a Lower Dimensional System Conformal Symmetry, Painleve Test, and Infinite Number of Symmetries Painleve Analysis and Painleve Equations The Ablowita, Ramani, Segur Approach Painleve Analysis of Hierarchy Lax Type Representation of Painleve Equation Possibility of Leading Positive Exponent REFERENCES