1200 kV High Power Testing Laboratory Configuration and Design Method of Equipment Layout in Oscillating Circuit

A new high-power laboratory is constructed by SGCC, there are some new equipment adopted in the laboratory. In the paper, we talk about the configuration of the laboratory and illustrate the equipment layout method of such testing system. First, we choose different circuits to meet the aim of the high power tests with some compromises. Second, we calculate most test parameters of synthetic test circuit, the key calculating procedure is transforming the variables of equations to dimensionless form. It will make the number of independent variables reduce from 8 to 5. Third, overvoltage is simulated between different devices by ATP-EMTP program, it is important to take parasitic parameters of the circuit into account. At last, we get a reasonable insulation distance between different devices by some non-standard equipment test and insulation coordination method, it is the theoretical basis for equipment layout design.