To develop an alternative scenario for efficient wall conditioning in superconducting fusion devices, comparative studies of ICRF and ECR Discharge Conditioning (ICRF-DC/ECR-DC) have been undertaken on TEXTOR-94 using the present ICRH and ECRH systems without changes in the hardware. The first results clearly indicate essential differences in performance and cleaning between the two types of RF discharges for the same machine parameters {BT=2.0 T,pHe=(3÷7)×10−2 Pa,PICRF≈PECRH≈0.1 MW÷0.2 MW,τICRF=τECRH=0.2 s}: (i) The ICRF plasma produced by double-strap unshielded antenna (ω=4ωcHe+=2ωcHe++=ωcH) has a low density (ne0≈0.4×1018 m−3) and homogeneous distribution in the torus during all phases of the discharge; (ii) The ECR plasma produced by quasi-optical beam launching antenna (ω=2ωce) has a high density (ne0=2.4×1018 m−3) and is strongly localized along the equatorial trajectory of the focussed microwave beam; (iii) Hydrogen desorption from the wall looks more pronounced and efficient in the ICRF-DC than i...