Abstract Dolomite and dolomite reservoirs are common in Ordovician and middle to upper Permian carbonates in the ‘Permian Basin’ area of the SW United States. Scattered, but significant, dolomite reservoirs also occur in the Silurian and Devonian. In the middle to upper Permian, platform and shelf-top carbonates were dolomitized, while limestones in slope and basinal environments were not. Most dolomitization of Ordovician and Permian carbonates occurred in evaporated seawater shortly after deposition (reflux dolomitization). Most dolomitizing brines apparently formed in tidal flat and restricted lagoonal environments in the platform and shelf interiors, and on depositional highs near shelf and platform margins. More than 26 billion barrels of oil have been produced from the Permian Basin, with most of that oil coming from Palaeozoic (mainly Permian) dolomites. Permian Basin dolomites have very heterogeneous porosity and permeability on a wide range of scales. Field-scale (km-scale) variations in porosity are commonly related to position in the original dolomitizing system. Porosity generally increases away from the apparent source of the dolomitizing brines because a greater volume of dolomite was precipitated in proximal parts of the dolomitizing system than in the distal parts; hence, porosity is greater in dolomites in the basinward parts of fields. Most Permian Basin dolomite reservoirs are structural traps with stratigraphic enhancement of closure by loss of porosity and permeability towards the shelf or platform interior. Many traps were formed by compactional drape over the same features that created highs during deposition. Hence, the structurally highest parts of many fields have the poorest porosity and permeability because they coincide with proximal parts of the original dolomitizing system. The most porous, permeable and productive dolomites are on the basinward flanks of structures, and often near the oil-water contact. Dolomite reservoirs in the Permian Basin are quite variable. Ultimate oil recoveries from these fields range from <1000 barrels to 2 billion barrels, with the largest fields in shallow middle Permian (San Andres/Grayburg) reservoirs. Reservoir depths range from 1500 to more than 14 000 ft (500–4300 m). Average porosities for fields are 1–21%, with porosities generally decreasing with depth. Average permeabilities are 1–1000 mD. Many deeper reservoirs have high permeability related to fractures in karstified Ordovician reservoirs. Recovery efficiencies are 10–65% of the original oil in place, with higher recovery efficiency associated with larger pores and higher permeabilities.
H. Ishida,et al.
Origin, Migration, and Mixing of Brines in the Permian Basin: Geochemical Evidence from the Eastern Central Basin Platform, Texas
P. Harris,et al.
Subsurface Expression of the Capitan Depositional System and Implications for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Northeastern Delaware Basin
L. Land,et al.
Early Ordovician Cool Creek Dolomite, middle Arbuckle Group, Slick Hills, SW Oklahoma, U.S.A.; origin and modification
S. Ruppel,et al.
Characterization of diagenetically altered carbonate reservoirs, South Cowden Grayburg Reservoir, West Texas
A. Saller,et al.
Distribution of Porosity and Permeability in Platform Dolomites: Insight from the Permian of West Texas
R. Barnaby,et al.
Contrasting styles of reservoir development in proximal and distal chert facies: Devonian Thirtyone Formation, Texas
J. Adams,et al.
Dolomitization by Seepage Refluxion
William E. Galloway,et al.
Atlas of Major Texas Oil Reservoirs
S. Q. Sun.
Dolomite Reservoirs: Porosity Evolution and Reservoir Characteristics
R. Loucks.
Paleocave carbonate reservoirs; origins, burial-depth modifications, spatial complexity, and reservoir implications
A. Saller,et al.
Evolution and Distribution of Porosity Associated with Subaerial Exposure in Upper Paleozoic Platform Limestones, West Texas
Charles Kerans,et al.
Integrated Characterization of Carbonate Ramp Reservoirs Using Permian San Andres Formation Outcrop Analogs