Transmission line pulsers, commonly known as TLPs, have been used for many years to calibrate diagnostics, and provide precise high-voltage and high-current waveforms. The pulsers have been used to qualify the ESD response of many ESD protection circuits and devices (Rector and Hyatt, 1998; Gieser and Egger, 1996; Maloney and Khurana, 1985). TLP applications cover a wider range of uses beyond estimating the ESD susceptibility of device level protection circuits. TLPs have been used to certify many ESD suppression devices including: device level ESD protection circuits, metal oxide varistors (MOV), Transorbs, composite voltage variable materials (VVM), diodes, spark gaps, and occasionally, even capacitors and resistors. This paper describes a simplified, yet general, TLP circuit and method called time domain transmission (TDT) mode testing. The method differs from and is compared to time domain reflection (TDR) mode measurement techniques.
J. A. Coekin.
High-speed pulse techniques
H. Hyatt,et al.
Measurements of ESD HBM events, simulator radiation and other characteristics toward creating a more repeatable simulation or; simulators should simulate
1996 Proceedings Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium.
M. Haunschild,et al.
Very-fast transmission line pulsing of integrated structures and the charged device model
1996 Proceedings Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium.
Jon Barth,et al.
TLP calibration, correlation, standards, and new techniques