아파트단지의 특성에 따른 열병합발전도입의 경제성 비교연구
This study is to analyse the feasibility for providing Co-generation plant in Apartment Complex for 4 typical Apartment Complexes located Seoul metropolitan area, The selected complexes are three midium-large size Apartment[nearby 35pyoug of floor area] and one complex of small size Apartment[below 25 pyoung of floor area] for comparison. The necessary data for the study were collected with visitation of each site. The study showed very positive result for the three medium-large size Apartment Complexes of which the average floor area is more than 25 pyoungs, while negative result for the Complex of which average floor area is less than 25 pyoungs. Other than floor size it was found that the electric consumption density also influence the economic feasibility. In study the unit fixed cost of the energy produced from Co-generation plant is one third of the unit variable cost[fuel cost] and it seems better to select high thermal efficiency machine for Co-generation plant even with some higher cost of the plant.