Coherence between legal requirements and approaches for detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their derived products.

Analytical methods for the qualitative and quantitative detection of genetically modified (GM) products may serve multiple purposes. Legal requirements differ among jurisdictions, ranging from no requirements to mandatory use of event-specific quantitation and implementation of production chain traceability. Although efforts have been taken to harmonize the analytical methodology at national, regional, and international levels, no normative international standards have yet been established. Lack of coherence between analytical methodologies and their applicabilities, on the one hand, and legislation, on the other hand, is a major problem. Here, key points where coherence is lacking are discussed. These include the definition of units of measurements, expression of GM material quantities, terminology, and inconsistent legal status of products derived from related but slightly different transformation routes. Finally, recommendations to improve the coherence are brought forward, including guidance to stakeholders for prediction of product-specific GM material quantities from gene ratios in the originating seed.