The ranking of universities published on the web by both Webometrics and Scimago are considered measures of internationally recognized visibility, in which variables related to the dissemination of scientific contents are measured. The present work explores these classifications of visibility of the Latin American universities as well as a documentary revision of the same ones. There are divergences between countries that are considered similar, even, between universities of the same country. As a result, it is necessary to analyze the variables that affect the visibility of Latin American universities, especially those related to research, that affect their efficiency in this process of international scientific positioning. Keyword: Visibility, universities, scientific research, Latin America. INTRoDUCTIoN 1. The comparative positioning of Universities, according to their visibility, is not a recent practice, the first Ranking appeared in the USA in 1983. The purpose of this research is to reflect the quality of the Universities, for competitive and commercial purposes, depending on the visibility they have The results of their investigations. Although the purpose of universities is a teaching role, what is shown as a reflection of their quality and the purpose of their evaluation is the result of their research. Since the birth of the first Scientific Review, bibliometric factors have been used to evaluate the impact that the editions and their articles have, ie their use, among these are indexes such as ISI, Scopus (currently under the platform Scimago), Scielo and others. With the Web and the Open Access movement, with the Berlin Declaration of 2003, researchers now have not only publications in scientific journals (tariffs and restricted access) but also Open Access Digital Magazines and Repositories (known as The site for the Autocitas), seeking to reach an increasing number of readers, reducing editorial costs. The repositories are web sites (usually located in university portals) where the research works carried out by the scientific community (of teachers and students) are published, which have been evaluated by a defense process. Including a new role to the Universities, the one International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
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Presencia de universidades en la red: la brecha digital entre Estados Unidos y el resto del mundo
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Presencia y visibilidad web de las universidades públicas españolas
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Methodology for Obtaining a Predictive Model Academic Performance of Students from First Partial Note and Percentage of Absence
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Visibilidad e impacto de la producción científica de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas durante el período 2000-2008
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Relationship Between Variables of Performance Social and Financial of Microfinance Institutions
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Metodología para la gestión del proceso de investigación de un programa universitario
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Methodology of Application of Diffuse Mathematics to Performance Evaluation
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Aspectos que influyen en la visibilidad de la producción científica de las universidades médicas cubanas
C. Vásquez,et al.
Use of the data envolvent analysis to determine the correct management of the economic resources of a country
2009 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST).