Identification of a North American mosquito species, Aedes atropalpus (Diptera: Culicidae), in Italy.

In late September 1996, during a routine survey for Aedes albopictus in Italy, a population of Aedes atropalpus s.s. was discovered in the Veneto Region (northern Italy). Larvae were collected in 2 tire storage areas belonging to tire recapping companies that imported loads of car and large equipment used tires from eastern Europe and North America. Aedes atropalpus is found only in North America and hence it is the origin of this species. Control measures were carried out in October, but by then any remaining Ae. atropalpus would have been diapausing in the egg stage. A follow-up survey will be conducted in the spring of 1997 to assess if Ae. atropalpus has been established in the area and the extent of the spread in Italy.

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