Stimulation of the catecholamine output of the isolated, perfused adrenal gland of the dog by angiotensin and bradykinin.
A study has been made of the secretory response of the isolated, Lockeperfused adrenal gland of the dog to angiotensin and bradykinin, using an automated trihydroxyindole fluorometric method for the estimation of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Both angiotensin and bradykinin were found to be extremely potent liberators of adrenal catecholamines. The response to the peptides was dose-dependent and rapid in onset. Both angiotensin and bradykinin caused a statistically significant increase in the proportions of epinephrine in the augmented catecholamine output. Perfusion of the gland with a calciumfree Locke's solution resulted in a reduced secretory response to angiotensin. During perfusion with calcium-free Locke's solution there was a concomitant decrease in both the spontaneous output and in the proportion of epinephrine in the spontaneous output.