Successful Transfer of ICRISAT Downy Mildew Resistance Screening Technology: an Example of Transfer of Technology
Tecliaoiogy transfer is an ICRISAT ~nmdntc Successful trn>lsf qur is prwntcd u< oa ~.~nrnplr of frrl~rialc~,~ii linrisfcr Comgo,ur,ts 01 tlir fecli,l,que urn dmonrtmled orid iiircisihrlly tni!r.firrrd to not,ot~rl o~~d ic,,q~onol pn,xran!\ ~ri SAT rnufitnur 'Technology-Transfer" can hi. defined as an extenson acttvlty ~n which results of xlentlflc anvestigatlon ~n any area of prnductxon and pmtectlon ~esprcrally In crop ~mprovemmtl are applied to pract~cal use !n other, usually dstant, places An tntendrd techn~que may be transferred In two ways by training an lnd~vtdual from the "targeted" area at a place where the technique Ir ruccprrful and well ertablahed, so that sc~entlit can establish and uue the technology upon relurnlng to h~r or her area of operation. and by demonstratrng various componenli of the technology to tndivtduals at thelr own faallt~rs. using the resources available. The wand me