Relation between the erosion and sedimentation zones in the Yellow River, China

Sedimentation in the lower reaches of the Yellow River is a major problem requiring implementation of large-scale control measures in the upper and middle drainage basin. For maximum benefit, major sediment generation areas must be delimited. For this purpose, the upper and middle drainage basin of the Yellow River has been divided into four major sediment and water source areas. A series of databases of runoff and sediment yields from these source areas and for the corresponding quantities of sedimentation in the lower Yellow River channel have been established. On this basis, a set of multiple-regression equations has been established that define the relationships between sedimentation in the lower Yellow River and the yearly or event-based runoff and sediment yields from the four source areas or subsystems. Based on the regression equations obtained, the contribution of the four major source areas to the sedimentation in the lower Yellow River channel can be estimated. The results obtained indicate that, given other factors, for each ton of sediment reduced from the coarse-sediment producing area (CSA), the sediment deposited in the lower Yellow River would be reduced by 0.455 ton; for each ton of sediment reduced from the fine-sediment producing area (FSA), the sediment deposited in the lower Yellow River would be reduced by 0.154 ton only. Therefore, if limited erosion control measures are applied to the coarse-sediment producing area, the benefits for sedimentation reduction in the lower Yellow River will be much larger than if similar resources are applied to the fine-sediment producing area. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.