Genome-wide transcriptome analysis identifies alternative splicing regulatory network and key splicing factors in mouse and human psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin, nails, and joints. For understanding the mechanism of psoriasis, though, alternative splicing analysis has received relatively little attention in the field. Here, we developed and applied several computational analysis methods to study psoriasis. Using psoriasis mouse and human datasets, our differential alternative splicing analyses detected hundreds of differential alternative splicing changes. Our analysis of conservation revealed many exon-skipping events conserved between mice and humans. In addition, our splicing signature comparison analysis using the psoriasis datasets and our curated splicing factor perturbation RNA-Seq database, SFMetaDB, identified nine candidate splicing factors that may be important in regulating splicing in the psoriasis mouse model dataset. Three of the nine splicing factors were confirmed upon analyzing the human data. Our computational methods have generated predictions for the potential role of splicing in psoriasis. Future experiments on the novel candidates predicted by our computational analysis are expected to provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of psoriasis and to pave the way for new therapeutic treatments.

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