Parametric Study on the Finite Element Idealization Method for Multi-Spar WIng

A parametric study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of finite element modeling methods on the internal loads, sizing and the weight of the multi-spar aircraft wing structures. The wing is idealized into total 18finite element models and subjected to 4typical external load conditions. An automatic sizing algorithm based on MSC/NASTRAN and MSC/PATRAN is developed. The results show that the critical part affection the internal loads and weight of the structure is wing skin. Effect of modeling of the spar and rib on the structural behavior is not manifest. On the contrast to the general expectation, the models using the bending-resistant elements show the heavier weight than ones by the elements without bending stiffness. From this results, designers of multi-spar wing are recommended to construct the finite element model considering the bending stiffness, or to check the characteristics of the structure before modeling.