We present an optimal parallel construction of the range tree data structure and use this construction to solve several geometric partitioning problems. In the range tree, we show how to perform a count-mode orthogonal range query in 0(log n) time by a single processor and a report mode orthogonal range query in 0(log n) time using 0(1 + log n) processors, where k is the number of points inside the query range. We consider partitioning problems of the following nature. Given a planar point set S (∣S∣ = ri) a measure μacting on 5 and a pair of values μ1 and μ2,the task is to find a partition of S into two components S1 and S2 (S = S1U S2) such that μ(S1) =μ1 for i=1, 2. We consider several measures like diameter under L∞ and l1 metric; area, perimeter of the smallest enclosing axes-parallel rectangle; and the side length of the smallest enclosing axes-parallel square. All our parallel algorithms foi partitioning problems run in 0(log n) time using 0(n) processors. Our algorithms are designed for the CREW PRAM model of parallel computation.